Ryde Rowing Club “100+ Club” Talks and Fish  & Chip Suppers. Alan Jenkins – Part 3. Radar Wizards.
10:30 PM22:30

Ryde Rowing Club “100+ Club” Talks and Fish & Chip Suppers. Alan Jenkins – Part 3. Radar Wizards.

Thursday 27th March – Alan Jenkins – Part 3. Radar Wizards.

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £12.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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Ryde Rowing Club “100+ Club” Talks and Fish  & Chip Suppers. Mike Greenwood – Volunteering to teach English to children in a school in Thailand.
7:30 PM19:30

Ryde Rowing Club “100+ Club” Talks and Fish & Chip Suppers. Mike Greenwood – Volunteering to teach English to children in a school in Thailand.

Thursday 27th February – Mike Greenwood – Volunteering to teach English to children in a school in Thailand.

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £12.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser. Quiz Night.
7:30 PM19:30

Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser. Quiz Night.


A Club Fundraiser.


The Club is staging a quiz 

night at the Clubhouse on


7.45pm for 8.00pm start

in the main lounge of the Clubhouse.

Teams of Four - Entry fee £3 per head - with a Cash prize.

All members & Friends Welcome - but due to the popularity of this event in the past can you advise us if you intend to enter a team - stephencbull@gmail.

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Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse. The Christmas Draw.
8:00 PM20:00

Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse. The Christmas Draw.

Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse. 

Bar open from 7.30pm until midnight for


The Club will be open as usual on 

Christmas Eve - for the Club’s 

Christmas Draw. 

The Club will be open from 8.00pm until around 12 midnight with the draw taking place at around9.00pm.
Tickets from the draw can be purchased now from the bar at the clubhouse - just 20 pence a square/£2 a row - and will, of course, be available on the night. There will be the usual range of festive prizes.

So come along - bring your family and friends - and enjoy the Club priced drinks, some light refreshments - and the good atmosphere!
We hope to see you there.

You don't have to be there to win - although it would be nice if you are - but we will tell you if you have won a prize.

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RRC 100 Club Talk and Fish & Chip Supper. Thursday 27th February – Mike Greenwood – Volunteering to teach English to children in a school in Thailand.
7:00 PM19:00

RRC 100 Club Talk and Fish & Chip Supper. Thursday 27th February – Mike Greenwood – Volunteering to teach English to children in a school in Thailand.

Thursday 27th February – Mike Greenwood – Volunteering to teach English to children in a school in Thailand

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £13.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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7:30 PM19:30

100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chip Supper.

Thursday 31st October – Sarah Burdett – Folly Works and the Cockleshell Canoes.

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £12.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chips Supper. Damon Corr. History of the Island Fire Service.
7:30 PM19:30

100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chips Supper. Damon Corr. History of the Island Fire Service.

Main Lunge and Back bar.

Open to all.

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £13.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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100+ Talk & Fish & Chip Supper. Roger Simmonds & Brian Hinton  - The IOW Festivals/
7:30 PM19:30

100+ Talk & Fish & Chip Supper. Roger Simmonds & Brian Hinton - The IOW Festivals/

Thursday 22rd August – Roger Simmonds & Brian Hinton

- The IOW Festivals

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £12.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chip Supper. Barry Groves. When Britannia had Wings.
7:30 PM19:30

100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chip Supper. Barry Groves. When Britannia had Wings.

100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chip Supper. Barry Groves. When Britannia had Wings.

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £12.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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100+ Club & Fish & Chip Supper. Stu Bennett –  A Chile Mix – Our travels through this land of such diversity.
7:30 PM19:30

100+ Club & Fish & Chip Supper. Stu Bennett – A Chile Mix – Our travels through this land of such diversity.

Thursday 27th June

– Stu Bennett –

A Chile Mix – Our travels through this land of such diversity

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £12.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual, Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association Championship Rowing Regatta.
10:30 AM10:30

Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual, Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association Championship Rowing Regatta.

Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual, Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association Championship Rowing Regatta. Racing in Coxed Fours, Coxless Pairs and Doubles and Single Sculls for men and women in various statuses over an 1800m course from Appley Beach, out towards Ryde Pier and return. Free to the public with refreshments available.

From around 09.30am until about 2.30pm depending on entries and conditions. FOC

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100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chip Supper. Mark Earp – The Royal Children on the IW – Family dynamics, Trauma and Temptation.
7:30 PM19:30

100+ Club Talk & Fish & Chip Supper. Mark Earp – The Royal Children on the IW – Family dynamics, Trauma and Temptation.

Thursday 30th May

Mark Earp – The Royal Children on the IW – Family dynamics, Trauma and Temptation

Food orders placed with Steph Hickman – telephone 01983 613077 or E Mail - steph.hickman1944@gmail.com by midday on the Tuesday prior to the talk. The cost is £12.00 and there will be a raffle and usually a collection for the person or organization giving the talk.

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