The Club is delighted to announce that TLM Laser, the Laser marking and engraving machines and systems company has agreed to continue as the Regatta’s main sponsor for the 2025 Regatta taking place on Sunday, 11th Maye 2025.
Founded in January 2006, TLM-Laser Limited are a dedicated laser service company, providing a second to none service and maintenance program which they can implement to best suit their growing customer demands. Located regionally throughout the UK they provide a quick and efficient service whether it be a preventative maintenance contract or emergency breakdown cover. Their highly trained and experienced engineers have vast experience on a complete range of lasers. Whether it be lamp pumped lasers, diode pumped or CO2, they will endeavour to maintain and extend their growing reputation at the forefront of the laser servicing and repair industry by carrying out scheduled maintenance visits as well as providing call out cover. As well as providing a quick and efficient service to our customers, TLM-Laser also supply a wide range of laser safety equipment, spare parts, fume extraction, chillers, training, consultancy and sub-contract laser marking.
Initially providing a ‘Total Laser Maintenance’ service, the company now offers a complete range of laser products from some of the leading names in laser technology. Alltec, Foba, Innolas, Univet, Bofa, ALPHA LASER, Coherent Laser Machining and Swisstec Micromachining are names immediately recognised globally within the laser industry for the highest of quality and outstanding customer service. All supported by experienced and highly trained engineers to ensure equipment generates the maximum in productivity.
TLM Laser prides itself on being a Solutions company. Through our long term experience and cutting edge expertise, we are able to understand our customers’ needs and tailor our services to meet them.
TLM Laser Director Andy Tom’s son Ben has rowed for the Ryde Club and Andy, a strong supporter of the Club, has first hand experience of the Regatta having provided and skippered the Umpires boat for the 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Regattas.
Sponsorship Opportunity.
SUNDAY, 11th MAY 2025.
Members will appreciate that in these difficult financial times funding Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual Regatta - which costs around £4,000 to stage - of which only around £1,000 comes from entry fees and program sales - is quite a challenge. Over the years we have been very fortunate to receive the support of members who have local businesses or connections with local businesses - who have agreed to sponsor an event at the regatta in exchange for an advert in the program, publicity over the PA system during the Regatta and visual displays in the Clubhouse.
I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Club, to thank those who have supported us in the past and who continue to do so - some have already committed to support the 2024 event - but also I would like to ask if there are any other members who may be in a position to support the Regatta - or know someone or a business that might be be prepared to do so. Shown below are details of the opportunities for event sponsorship at the 2024 Club Regatta - which takes place on Saturday, 8th June - if you/they need a more formal approach - let me have a name and address and I will send this to them.
Ryde Rowing Club Annual Regatta - Sponsorship.
SUNDAY 11th May, 2025.
Event Sponsorship.
Since 1972 the two main Isle of Wight Rowing Clubs, Ryde and Shanklin have hosted Hants. & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association Championship Regattas. These two events, staged over a weekend between mid May and mid June each year, bring around fifteen visiting mainland Rowing Clubs from all along the Southcoast and occasionally inland - some 800 competitors and supporters - to the Island. As this is a weekend event most of our visitors stay over for the full weekend bringing a useful boost to early season trade for many Island businesses and the events provide a free sporting spectacle for Islanders and Visitors alike and generates useful publicity for the Island.
The success of the two events has on three occasions led to the Island being awarded the prestigious Southcoast Rowing Championships Regatta which the Ryde and Shanklin Clubs have organised jointly on behalf of the Hants. & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association. The Island Regatta weekend is one of the most popular in the South of England - regularly attracting over one hundred entries to each event - and with the growth in the sport this popularity is expected to continue to grow.
Coastal rowing remains one of the few truly amateur sports still in operation with no payments or expenses paid to competitors, officials or coaches and no cash prizes awarded.
As I am sure you will appreciate the cost of running the Regatta increases each year putting an ever increasing financial strain on the organisers. In spite of this the Ryde Club is proud of its record of running one of the most successful and best organised Regattas in the Hants. & Dorset area.
The income generated by the regatta is limited as the entry fees are fixed by the governing body and it is not possible to charge a fee to spectators as you can with many sports. Since 1980 we have been able to offset some of the costs thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.
Once again it is our intention to sell advertising space in our Regatta programme to local businesses who are known for their support of local Clubs and who hopefully gain from the competitors and spectators who will be visiting the Island. In addition to the advertising space we will link advertisers to an event or cost of the Regatta and give them additional publicity over the P.A. system during the Regatta. We will also be prepared to display any publicity material made available at the Clubhouse and to circulate additional advertising material when the programmes are distributed.
The programme cover and any inside pages on which the adverts are displayed are, in the majority of cases, professionally printed.
It is our hope that sponsors will be willing to contribute around £50 for a quarter page advert and £100 for a half page. While we appreciate that this is probably not commercially viable we hope that the knowledge that you would be supporting a local Club and event will persuade you to take a place in our Programme.
If you are interested please contact the Regatta Secretary. Steve Bull by E Mailing -