The Club will be open as usual on Christmas Eve - for the Clubs Christmas Draw. The Club will be open from 8.00pm until around 12 midnight with the draw taking place at around 9.00pm.
Tickets from the draw can be purchased now from the bar at the clubhouse - just 20 pence a square/£2 a row - and will, of course, be available on the night. There will be the usual range of festive prizes.
So come along - bring your family and friends - and enjoy the Club priced drinks, some light refreshments - and the good atmosphere!
We hope to see you there.
You don't have to be there to win - although it would be nice if you are - but we will tell you if you have won a price.
If you are unable to get down to the Club but would like some draw tickets you can "buy them" by transferring the money for the required amount to -
Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16. Please put "XmasDraw" in the reference field and advise by E Mail to
For the Ryde R. C. General Committee.