From 7.30am at the Clubhouse – until late.From 7.30am at the Clubhouse – until late.
Tickets just £6.
Awards Presentation. Buffett. Presentation on season. Disco. Branded kit & Merchandise.
Dress – smart/casual.
If you would like some tickets please see Steve Bull - 01983 566481 / 07786 034941/ or Graham Reeve - 01983 651691 / 07871 093349/
Payment can be made in cash to either of the above - or by transfer - To: Barclays Bank, 7/8 High Street, Ryde, and IW. PO33 2PN for the credit of Ryde Rowing Club - Account No: 03707210. Sort Code: 20-60-55. Please put Presentation Evening in reference field.