A meeting of the Council of the Association will be held at the Itchen Imperial Rowing Club, Crosshouse Road, Chapel, Southampton, United Kingdom, SO14 5GZ, on Saturday, 21st October, 2017 starting at at 10.30am in accordance with H&D ARA Constitution, Rule 11.
Representation at the meeting will be the Executive Officers, Life Vice Presidents plus one delegate from each affiliated Club and each Event that receives an H&D Permit. (H&D ARA Constitution, Rule 7.)
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of the last Autumn Council Meeting [see attached] and Matters Arising from AGM of 18th March, 2017 and End of Season Council Meeting of 12th August, 2017.
3. Correspondence and Hon. Secretary.
4. Reports on the 2017 Regatta Season and Events*. [See attached]
5. Swanage Regatta – report on 2017 event [See attached] + organization for 2018*.
6. South Coast Championship Regatta.
i) Report on the 2017 South Coast Championship Regatta*. [See attached]
ii) Report on South Coast Council Meetings*.
iii) To consider any suggested changes to the South Coast Championship Rules.
Allowing J14/J16 Boys Quad events to be mixed; Change name of Veteran Events to Masters; Bring start procedure in line with H&D and CARA.
7. Approval of Regatta & Head Race dates for 2018*. [See attached - Recommendation to follow]
8. To considor the venue and organisation of the 2020 South Coast Rowing Championships.
Time frame - Jan 2018. SCC AGM, Sept 2018. SCC Deal, Nov 2018. H&D to advise proposed venue for 2020.
Jan 2019. SCC AGM. Written resume required, Sept 2019. SCC Dartmouth, Jan 2020. SCC AGM, Sept 2020. H&D hostedSCC. .
9. Report from Hants & Dorset ARA “Rules” and “Competitions” Sub Committees*.
[notes from meeting of 17th October to follow.]
10. To consider any possible rule changes for discussion and approval at the AGM*.
11. South Coast Rowing/Hants & Dorset ARA Handbook.
12. Report from the Race Officials Committee*.
13. Report from the Safety Sub Committee*. [See attached]
14. Report from Wessex Regional Rowing Council (Colin Eales)*.
15. Arrangements for Presentation Dinner on 18th November, 2017.
16. The role of Association Secretary*. [Notes to follow].
17. Any other business.
18. Date and place of Annual General Meeting.
*In order to try and speed-up the meeting some of the items on the Agenda may be supported by brief written reports. However due to time constraints these may not be available when the Agenda is circulated. Where possible this information will be provided prior to the meeting – either electronically in advance of the meeting or hard copy at the meeting. Circulated reports will not be read out at the meeting unless requested – but consideration will be given to any parts of the report that need discussion, approval or some sort of decision made. Please ensure you’re Club and delegates have had access to these reports prior to the meeting.
LUNCH WILL BE SERVED. (Subject to confirmation from Itchen Imperial R. C.)
Stephen C. Bull, Association Secretary, September/October, 2017.
Will Club Secretaries please ensure that all Hants & Dorset Championship Trophies are returned at this meeting in a clean condition ready for presentation at this years Dinner.
H&D ARA Constitution.
7.1. The management of the Association shall be invested in a Council consisting of the Executive, Life Vice Presidents, and one delegate from each affiliated Club and one delegate from each affiliated event (hereinafter called the Council).
7.2. The Council shall have full power to enquire into the conduct of any Club or event or individual in respect of whom a complaint has been made and for that purpose may require the attendance of specific officials and other persons and the production of all books, letters and other documents. They shall full power to deal with all offending or defaulting Clubs, events or individuals as they may think fit including imposing fines and suspensions or withholding championship points but any motion imposing such action shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.
7.3. The Council may make bye-laws which shall be binding on the Association until the next AGM at which they must be ratified in order to stay in force.
11.1. A meeting of the Council shall be held in the Autumn of each year to review the last event season and matters arising there from and to consider any matters to be referred to the AGM. Clubs and events wishing to have matters placed on the agenda shall notify the Honorary Secretary thereof before the 30th September and the Honorary Secretary shall give at least 3 weeks notice in writing of such meeting and agenda. Unless determined at a previous meeting the date and place shall be fixed by the Honorary Secretary.