Whats going on at the Clubhouse in November and December.

Its a busy time at the Clubhouse in November and December so thought it worth putting outs a bit of a reminder of what's going on - although we will E Mail out and "Blog" these events as each events get closer.

But as a "heads-up and reminder -

on THURSDAY, 24th NOVEMBER, 2016 at 8.00pm its the Clubs Annual General Meeting when will elect the Officers and Committee for the next year.              

On Saturday, 25th November we have - a fund raiser for the boat fund - A NIGHT AT THE RACES - HORSE RACE NIGHT. IN THE MAIN LOUNGE at the CLUBHOUSE. - we are close to meeting our target - just one more big push needed! THERE WILL BE AT LEAST EIGHT RACES TO BET ON WITH HORSE OWNERSHIP AVAILABLE. ALL WELCOME – BRING YOUR  FAMILY AND  FRIENDS. RACE SPONSORSHIP IS AVAILABLE AT JUST £10 - AND YOU CAN "BUY" A HORSE FOR JUST £2 WITH A PRIZE TO THE WINNING OWNER. TO SPONSOR A RACE OR "BUY" A HORSE - CONTACT JOHN ADAMS - ON - vallyhenry@live.co.uk OR TELEPHONE - 01983 613438 or reply to this E Mail. - or E Mail me on stephencbull@gmail.com - and pay by BACS to - Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16

On Sunday, the 26th November - there will be a repeat of last years Christmas Fayre, organised once again by Tanzie Page, at the RRC Clubhouse in Appley Park on Sunday, 26th November from 11.00am to 3pm. Entry is free and there will be a number of stalls displaying and selling artisan goods, crafts and luxury gifts - just in time for Christmas. So please come along - and bring your friends. Proceeds to RRC. To book a table and for further details contact Tanzie Page at: tmpage.page@aol.com

On Saturday, 9th December we have the 150+ Club Party and Prize draw. - although this is restricted to 150 Club members and their Guests. 

On Friday, 22nd December we have Ryde Rowing Club's End of Season Celebration and Awards Presentation Evening from 8.00pm at the Clubhouse. All members welcome. No charge – but please let us know if you are coming along.  ryderowingclub@gmail.com  Presentation on the 2017 season & photo montage. Raffle for club charity & Boat Fund. Presentation of Club Awards. FREE BUFFET.

AND FINALLY - THE  RRC Christmas Draw is now up and running WHICH TAKES PLACE ON CHRISTMAS EVE. The Club will be open from 8.00pm until around 12 midnight with the draw taking place at around 9.00pm. Tickets from the draw can be purchased now from the bar at the clubhouse - just 20 pence a square/£2 a row - and will, of course, be available on the night. There will be the usual range of festive prizes. So come along - bring your family and friends - and enjoy the Club priced drinks, some light refreshments - and the good atmosphere! We hope to see you there. You don't have to be there to win - although it would be nice if you are - but we will tell you if you have won a price. If you are unable to get down to the Club but would like some draw tickets you can "buy them" by transferring the money for the required amount to - Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16.  Please put "XmasDraw" in the reference field and advise by E Mail to stephencbull@gmail.com