Ryde Rowing Club Annual Regatta – Saturday 2nd June 2018 - Raffle.
/If you are not already aware the club will be holding it's annual regatta on Saturday 2nd June. As this is our main fundraising event we obviously want to follow in the footsteps of previous regattas and raise as much money as we possibly can for the club.
One of my jobs for the regatta is collecting prizes for the raffle and here is where I need your help. If you have anything that you could donate for a prize I would be really grateful. If doesn't have to cost much, you may well have unwanted gifts that you have received that you could donate.
If you would like me to collect any items please let me know by either e-mail - rrcmatters@gmail.com
- or calling 0796 979 4210, alternatively you can leave it down the club with my name on it.
If you have any business contacts that you think would be happy to donate we have a letter available.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Kind regards
Christine Groves
Ryde Rowing Club General Committee
Contact: Mrs Christine Groves, 26 Mayfield Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 3PR. Tel: 0796 979 4210. e-mail: rrcmatters@gmail.com