Ryde R. C. Regatta Weekend Saturday/Sunday, 18th/19th MAY, 2019. HELP REQUIRED!

Ryde R. C. Regatta Weekend. Saturday/Sunday, 18th/19th MAY, 2019.  


 The Clubs Annual Regatta is on Saturday, 18th  May - with Shanklin on Sunday, 19th. It will be a busy weekend for the Club and Members are asked to come and help as much as they can.

 We need –

People for all or part of the day on the

Friday (17th May) to help Setup.

The Sandwich bash will be early evening on this Friday.

 On Saturday (Regatta Day) we need help on the Bar and

with serving of Refreshments, during the day and into the evening at the Clubhouse.

In particular we need some help manning the Ryde R. C. Safety boat (preferably but not necessarily with some  experience.

Help with Breakfasts on Sunday morning – if we have any?

 Sunday and Monday - help to clear up the mess

& get the Clubhouse straight.


Contacts -

Regatta Set Up/Clear up - Steve Bull.

on 566481. Mobile 07786 034941. Email: stephencbull@gmail.com

Safety Boat Crew – Steve Draper. Mobile: 07783350776 . Email: tigersteve1050@gmail.com

Breakfasts, Refreshments & the Sandwich bash - Josie Bull

on 566481. Mobile 07964 424417. Email: josiembull@gmail.com

Bar - Steph Hickman - on 613077. Email: stephhickman1944@gmail.com

or just turn up!

Please let us know what you can do to help.

With my thanks in anticipation.

 Steve Bull, Regatta Secretary.