New Coastal Four. Appeal for Donations.
/We are on the point of ordering a new coastal four from AB Composites in East Cowes to be taken from the mould owned by the Club.
The overall cost of the new boat plus riggers and other fittings is in the region of £14,000.
Over the next couple of months we will be approaching a number of organisations with requests for grants, and we are also looking into the possibility of Crowdfunding.
We are hopeful of raising at least 50% of the required amount via these sources. However, it helps our case enormously if we can demonstrate that we are providing a fair proportion of the money from our own resources. The Club has sufficient funds to underwrite the purchase, but quite naturally we want to keep a reasonable amount in reserve to cover any future unforeseen expenditure.
The purpose of this email therefore is to request donations from members towards the new boat. We fully appreciate that not everyone will be willing or indeed able to contribute, but rest assured all donations no matter how small will be gratefully received.
If you would like to contribute please send your donation to the Club’s Rowing Fund account - Account Name - S. Bull. Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16. Should you wish to remain anonymous, then please simply enter “Boat Fund” as the reference on the payment. Alternatively we will accept cheques - made out to Ryde Rowing Club and sent to Ryde Rowing Club Boat Fund, c/o Steve Bull, 10, Brookfield Gardens, Binstead, Ryde, Isle of Wight. PO33 3NP or cash paid to either the Club Captain - Graham Reeve, the Club President - Pete Allsopp or either of the Club Trustees - Steve Cook or Steve Bull.