Cancellation of Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual Regatta. Scheduled for Saturday, 15th May, 2021.
/It has become apparent that due to the on-going Government Covid-19 restrictions and guidance from our governing body - British Rowing - it will not be possible to go ahead with Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual Hants & Dorset ARA Championship Regatta on the planned date of Saturday, 15th May - a problem that has been further compounded by the on-going activities of Southern Water investigating and seeking to repair the sink hole that appeared near the Clubhouse and has caused much disruption in the area around the Clubhouse and along the seafront where the regatta takes place.
Therefore I must advise you that the Ryde R. C. Regatta will not now take place on Saturday, 15th May as scheduled.
The Club is actively pursuing alternative dates later in the summer when the Government Covid-19 regulation may be relaxed and British Rowing gives approval for the resumption of competitions. However the other Hants & Dorset ARA fixtures, the summer season and the on-going activities of Southern Water round the Clubhouse, and along the seafront may well make this impossible forcing us to cancel the Regatta for the 2nd year running following the cancellation of last years event due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
One possible alternative date we are considering is Saturday, 7th August.
Steve Bull.
Regatta Secretary.