Covid-19 Lateral Flow Testing.

Covid-19 Lateral Flow Testing.

Many of you will have heard about - or indeed may already take part in - lateral flow testing to check for a presence of Covid-19. Lateral flow testing is a quick and easy way for you to check to see if a trace of the Covid-19 virus is present in you in order to protect your family, friends, colleagues and fellow club members. Lateral flow tests are free and can be picked up from local test centres or pharmacies or they can be ordered online and delivered to your home.

As an Association, the H&D welcomes any means in which our members and athletes can train and compete safely in the knowledge that they are not going to potentially spread Covid-19 to their fellow athletes and supporters. They have recommended clubs look into advocating regular lateral flow testing to their members and, by providing information, our club can continue the excellent work which we have undertaken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our members and the wider local community.

Ryde Rowing Club endorses this recommendation and asks all members to consider carrying out Covid-19 Lateral Flow testing on a regular - twice weekly - basis. 

Whilst lateral flow testing is not mandatory for any organisation as a Club we are fully committed to providing our members with information and advice on the best practise to keep our members and our communities safe whilst helping ensure that our clubs and sport remain open and active.

We have outlined some basic information on lateral flow testing which may be helpful - see below - and would urge all members - but particularly our active members -  to start Testing as soon as possible.

Information on Lateral Flow Testing

What is lateral flow testing?

Lateral flow testing is a rapid swab-based test which can be conducted at home by an individual and results are given within 30 minutes. Lateral flow tests detect the presence of Covid-19 in an individual as it is thought that between one in three people who have coronavirus never show any symptoms but that does not mean they are not infectious. Testing helps identify those individuals who have the virus but are displaying no symptoms and would otherwise not be tested. It is a means of controlling the infection levels.

What does the test involve?

Lateral Flow Tests are a fast and efficient way for detecting the presence of the Covid-19 virus and can produce results within 30 minutes of the test being taken. They require swabs to be taken from the throat and nose.

​​How do I get a lateral flow testing kit?

Lateral Flow Tests are available to pick up from your local Covid-19 test centre (see to find your local centre) and also some pharmacies. You can also order kits online at to be delivered to your home. All kits are free of charge and you will never be charged for them.

 How does the lateral flow test work?

The Lateral Flow Test requires swabs to be taken from the throat and nose. These swabs are then using a fluid which will break the swab findings down and react if the virus is detected. Individuals swab themselves and undertake the test using the instructions provided in the testing kit. Each test has a unique barcode in which you need to enter or scan the QR code when you register the result (Negative or Positive) with the website. You will receive an email and text message confirming your test result.

What happens if the test result is positive?

If the test result is positive, you need to immediately book in for a PCR Test at your local Covid Test Centre for them to confirm that you are positive. Whilst you wait for test and results, you must self-isolate and follow government guidelines which means not leaving the house apart from going to get your PCR test.

 What is the difference between a lateral flow test and a PCR test?

A lateral flow test detects the presence of the Covid-19 virus in your mucus, found in your nose and throat. A positive test does not guarantee that you definitely have Covid-19 but is 95%+ accurate. A PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test is undertaken at a test centre and detects genetic material such as Covid-19.

 ​How often should I take the lateral flow tests?

Many people who work in schools or organisations take the lateral flow tests on a Sunday and Wednesday to cover them for the whole week. The test will only register the presence of Covid-19 at the time of the test, therefore, if you come into contact with the virus a day after taking the test, by testing mid-week, you eliminate the risk of spreading the virus if you have been in contact with it.

 Do I need to take a test before training or competing at a regatta?

As an Association, the H&D advocate all clubs and their members undertake lateral flow testing on a bi-weekly basis. Ideally, if clubs and members engage in regular testing, it would be useful for those competing at regattas in the summer to take a test on the Friday prior to travelling to the regatta to ensure that they are clear of Covid-19. Again, this is purely good practice and will NOT be enforced as part of the H&D regatta entry.

 Is taking the test mandatory?

No, the test is not mandatory but through regular testing of the wider population and the vaccination roll-out, we can together stop the spread of the virus and reduce restrictions in daily life. The H&D supports any initiative which helps rowing and our rowing community to stay safe and resume normal activities.