Latest from Southern Water regarding Waste Overflow by our Clubhouse in Appley park.
/You will no doubt be aware of the extensive work being undertaken by Southern Water around our Appley Park Clubhouse, the park itself and along the seafront between the Eastern end of the Canoe Lake and the Park to repair a serious fault with the Sewer/Waste Water pipes leading from the pumping station in the park which has caused considerable disturbance and inconvenience to the activities of the Club and our members and led to the cancellation of our Regatta scheduled for the 7th August, 2021.
Southern Water have now advised us, following a request for the latest situation, that the expected completion date for the work is still October, 2021 and that during the next two weeks an essential part of the repair is taking place and that they will begin the tunnelling works in the pipe, which will enable them to clear the blockage and allow them to prepare the area for the insertion of a liner, which will form the basis of the solution.
The ongoing activity of Southern Water remains a considerable inconvenience to the Club and its members and has cost us revenue for which we have claimed compensation from Southern Water although they have been very slow in responding to this request.