Reminder. Clubhouse open on Friday evenings.

This is just a reminder to all our Members and their guests that the Clubhouse Bar at Appley Clubhouse - in spite of the on-going activities of Southern Water - is open on Friday evenings from around 7.30pm to around 10.30pm and all members & their guests are welcome.

Access to the Clubhouse is via a ramp. You enter the ramp near the Cafe - it splits into three - one route going to the Cafe, one to our Clubhouse and one continues up Appley Lane. Car Parking is restricted - you can either park along the front by the Canoe Lake and walk to the Clubhouse or - at your risk - drive past the road closure sign - where you can access the five bays in Appley Lane or continue into the Car park which states it is closed but in fact is open although space is limited. Presumably you won't have to pay as it is officially "closed". You will have to drive up and down the “wrong way” – the road furthest from the Clubhouse - of Appley Lane