Ryde Rowing Club Annual Subscriptions are now overdue - and a reminder - the DISCOUNTED RATE ENDS 1st MARCH, 2018.

A FINAL reminder - if you want to get the reduced rate - and a big thank-you to all of you who have paid so far.  

Ryde Rowing Club Annual Subscriptions are now overdue - and a reminder - the DISCOUNTED RATE ENDS 1st MARCH, 2018.

Can we thank all the Club Members who have renewed their Annual Subscriptions to date -  your early payment helps the Club and saves you money – and saves us having to chase-you up! Please help the Club and yourself and pay promptly.

We are pleased to be able to say that there has been no increase in our rates of subscription this year - it should be noted that, on average, if paid at the reduced rate – our rates of subscription remain the same or less than any other Island Rowing Club – and membership fees – at all levels – at mainland clubs are significantly higher. The Associate membership – at just £20 – where the only restrictions are on the use of the Clubs boats and training equipment are an ideal level of membership for parents wanting to support their sons and daughters who row. 

The rates of subscription for 2018 are as follows –

Membership type               Payable before 1st March, 2018/Payable after 1st March, 2018.

Rowing                                        £100*/£140

Social Rowing                             £60*/£80

Country (non IW res. inc Uni)     £60*/£80

Cadet Under 18                          £60*/£80

Cadet Under 16                          £30/ £35

Associate                                    £20/£20 

*New members joining as Rowing, Social Rowing or under 18 cadets will pay an additional £5 joining fee which will give them 3 months membership of British Rowing – which includes insurance cover and copies of Rowing and Regatta magazine. Continuation of British Rowing after the three months is optional but all active members are encouraged to take out British Rowing Membership if only for the insurance cover – and it is compulsory to race on the river, or if you want to store a scull in one of the Club boathouses and boat from them.  

Note: For new members, who have joined since October, 2017 the membership already paid covers the current subscription year. Your next subscription will be due, subject to approval at the 2018 AGM on 1st January, 2019.

Subscriptions should be paid as soon as possible – over the bar at the Clubhouse or sent to the membership Secretary, Steph Hickman at 145 Great Preston Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight. PO33 1AZ. Telephone number 01983 613077. E Mail: steph.hickman1944@gmail.com  Cheques should be made payable to "Ryde Rowing Club". You can also pay by electronic bank transfer - please transfer the appropriate subscription to Account Number - 03707210. Sort Code: 20-60-55 and put RRC Membership in the reference field - and it would also be helpful if you could E Mail Steph Hickman if you choose to pay this way - advising her that you have done so. Standing order forms are also available on request and are available at the Clubhouse. 

Sent on behalf of Dave Redstone. RRC Treasurer by -

Steve Bull. For RRC Main committee.

Saturday, 17th March. Join us on St Patrick’s Night.

Saturday, 17th March.               
Join us on St Patrick’s Night
For a night of fun & games!
£5.00 admission to include –
including Raffle ticket

At the Club. From 8.00pm in the main Lounge.

Tickets available behind the bar!

or Apply by E Mail to josiembull@googlemail.com and pay by BACS transfer to -  RRC Account 03707210. Sort Code: 20-60-55 – putting “IRISH” in the reference field

Reminder - RYDE ROWING CLUB The first FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK on the new season takes place on THURSDAY 22nd February AT 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.


The first FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK on the new season

takes place on THURSDAY 22nd February AT 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.

The talk is by –  

Thursday 22nd February 2018 – Mike Kelleway – It’s not just Rocket Science – Black Night & Black Arrow Test Site – The Needles IOW


All Club & 150 Club Members plus family and friends welcome.



TEL: IW 613077 OR EMAIL : steph.hickman1944@gmail.com


Fish & Chips Suppers and talks will continue – usually on the last Thursday of the month - until October when there will be a break over the Christmas and New Year period.

Coming up is –

Thursday 29th March 2018 – Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance

Thursday 26th April 2018 – Stewart Bennett – Antarctic – South with Endeavour

Thursday 24th May 2018 – Note - ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN USUAL - Barry Groves – The Story of Somerton Works

Thursday 28th June 2018 – Kevin Shaw – Sir Robert Holmes: The extraordinary story of this Daring, Dashing Cavalier and Forgotten Hero of the 17th Century. As Captain- Governor of the IOW he made Yarmouth his home

Thursday 26th July 2018 – Adrian Searle – Sophie Dawes (an English ‘adventuress’) best known as a mistress of Louis Henry 11.  She was born in St Helens and was the daughter of an alcoholic fisherman.

Also on Saturday, 17th March join us on: ST Patrick’s Night - For a night of fun & games! - at the Club. £5.00 admission to include: IRISH PLOUGHMAN’s & PUDDING, Raffle ticket. Tickets available behind the bar soo - watch out for further E Mails!


Hants & Dorset ARA Safety Meeting. On the IW. Saturday, 17th February, 2018.

The Hants & Dorset ARA Annual safety Meeting takes place this coming Saturday - 17th February. This year the meeting is on the IW with delegates from all other H&D ARA Club expected to attend. They will visit all three Clubs - and the Folly - to carry out a brief audit of the safety facilities & procedures and then the meeting will take place in the main lounge at Ryde.

It is anticipated that the delegates will visit the Folly at around 11.00am and be at Ryde soon after midday. They will only be at the Folly for around 15/20 minutes but will be at Ryde all afternoon.

Could everyone either boating from the Folly on Saturday or training at Ryde on Saturday or any anytime this week please make an effort to keep things as clear and tidy as possible so we create as good an impression as possible. Tidy-up your rubbish put away the weights and all equipment stored neatly and sensibly.

With my thanks for you your cooperation

Rowing Sub.

RYDE ROWING CLUB. The first FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK on the new season  takes place on THURSDAY 22nd February AT 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.


The first FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK on the new season

takes place on THURSDAY 22nd February AT 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.

The talk is by –  


All Club & 150 Club Members plus family and friends welcome.



TEL: IW 613077 OR EMAIL : steph.hickman1944@gmail.com


Fish & Chips Suppers and talks will continue – usually on the last Thursday of the month - until October when there will be a break over the Christmas and New Year period.

Coming up is –

Thursday 29th March 2018 – Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance

Thursday 26th April 2018 – Stewart Bennett – Antarctic – South with Endeavour

Thursday 24th May 2018 – Note - ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN USUAL - Barry Groves – The Story of Somerton Works

Thursday 28th June 2018 – Kevin Shaw – Sir Robert Holmes: The extraordinary story of this Daring, Dashing Cavalier and Forgotten Hero of the 17th Century. As Captain- Governor of the IOW he made Yarmouth his home

Thursday 26th July 2018 – Adrian Searle – Sophie Dawes (an English ‘adventuress’) best known as a mistress of Louis Henry 11.  She was born in St Helens and was the daughter of an alcoholic fisherman.

 Also on Saturday, 17th March join us on: ST Patrick’s Night - For a night of fun & games! - at the Club. £5.00 admission to include: IRISH PLOUGHMAN’s & PUDDING, Raffle ticket. Tickets available behind the bar soo - watch out for further E Mails!

Sponsored by - Wightlink IW Ferries.
Sport England Clubmark Accredited
An ARA "Go-Row" Club accredited
to run the National Junior Rowing Programme.
Affiliated to OAR - Open Adaptive Rowing.


Ryde Harriers. 10 Mile Race. Sunday, 4th February, 2018.

Ryde Harriers are staging their Annual Ten Mile run on Sunday, 4th February which takes place from the Ryde R. C. Clubhouse and uses the Clubs Facilities. A large entry of more than 450 runners is expected. The Main and Back Lounge and Men's and Ladies Changing Rooms will be in use as will the boathouse for storage of kit - therefore all land training at the Club is suspended from 8.30am on the 4th February until around 3.00pm. 

Ryde R. C. Presentation to IW Youth Trust.

Ryde R. C. Presentation to IW Youth Trust.

Sponsors, supporters and helpers of Ryde Rowing Club were entertained at an informal gathering at their Clubhouse on Friday evening (26th January) to thank them for their support during the last year.  

The newly elected Club Captain Graham Reeve welcomed and thanked all those in attendance and offered a special thanks to the Clubs main sponsors Wightlink and to the main Regatta Sponosr TLM Laser. A short presentation on the clubs activities and successes in 2017 - which included winning the South Coast Championships and the Hants & Dorset ARA Championships in the Ladies Coastal Junior Fours and a share in the Hants and Dorset ARA Ladies Novice Sculls Championship was then given. This was followed by a presentation to Felicity Radak, a Fundraiser with the Isle of Wight Youth Trust, who - working in conjunction with Wightlink - were the Clubs nominated charity, once again in 2017. 

Following various fund raising activities -  the club was able to hand over another cheque for £400 to the Isle of Wight Youth Trust. The IW Youth Trust are a charitable independent and professional organisation offering counselling, advice, information and support services to young people under 25 on the Isle of Wight and, in some cases, their parents or carers and the Club were delighted to be able to support them once again.

Issues with Ryde R. C. Web Site. www.ryderowingclub.co.uk - now reinstated.

Issues with Ryde R. C. Web Site.

The issue we had with the Ryde Rowing Club Web site domain name - www.ryderowingclub.co.uk - has now been resolved and the domain name reinstated.

You can now, once again, access the web site by using - www.ryderowingclub.co.uk - or by using  -  www.ryderc.org


Steve Bull

Bingo Night. This Friday. 18th January with Cheese & Biscuits & an opportunity to pay your subs by Credit Card.

A final reminder that its the Club Bingo" night from 8.00pm at the Clubhouse - this Friday, 19th January.

Please also not that complimentary Cheese and Biscuits will be served during the evening.

+ an opportunity to pay your annual subscription if you have not already done so - including an opportunity to pay by Credit Card if this suits.

Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser – for Boat Fund - BINGO NIGHT. This Friday - 19th January.

Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser – for Boat Fund - BINGO NIGHT. This Friday - 19th January.


  • Friday, JANUARY 19th, 2018. 8:00pm

  • Ryde Rowing Club.Appley Lane. Ryde, England, PO33 1ND.  

Ryde Rowing Club Fud Raiser – for Boat Fund. BINGO NIGHT
Main Lounge, Clubhouse.


Issues with Ryde R. C. Web Site. USE www.ryderc.org

Issues with Ryde R. C. Web Site. USE www.ryderc.org

There is a relatively minor issue with the Ryde Rowing Club Web Site at the moment - the site is working fine - but at the moment yo can not reach it by using the old web site domain name - "ryderowingclub.co.uk" 

When we re-vamped the site a year or so ago we acquired a new web site domain name - www.ryderc.org - but linked the old site name so you could still access the site if this is the one you use. However this domain name is currently not available - and may not be again - so if you want to log on to the Ryde R. C. Web site you need to use the new domain name - www.ryderc.org - which will take you to the site.

A "google" search for Ryde Rowing Club - will bring up the correct link first. 

If the situation changes we will let you know.


Steve Bull.

Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser – for Boat Fund - BINGO NIGHT. This Friday - 19th January

Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser – for Boat Fund - BINGO NIGHT. 19th January.

  • Friday, JANUARY 19th, 2018. 8:00pm

  • Ryde Rowing Club.Appley Lane. Ryde, England, PO33 1ND.  

Ryde Rowing Club Fud Raiser – for Boat Fund. BINGO NIGHT
Main Lounge, Clubhouse.


Ryde Rowing Club Annual Subscriptions are now due.

Ryde Rowing Club Annual Subscriptions are now due.

The Clubs Annual Membership Subscription's are now due – with the discounted rate available until 1st March. 

We are pleased to be able to say that there has been no increase in our rates of subscription this year - it should be noted that, on average, if paid at the reduced rate – our rates of subscription remain the same or less than any other Island Rowing Club – and membership fees – at all levels – at mainland clubs are significantly higher. The Associate membership – at just £20 – where the only restrictions are on the use of the Clubs boats and training equipment are an ideal level of membership for parents wanting to support their sons and daughters who row. 

The rates of subscription for 2018 are as follows –

Membership type               Payable before 1st March, 2018/Payable after 1st March, 2018.

Rowing                                        £100*/£140

Social Rowing                             £60*/£80

Country (non IW res. inc Uni)     £60*/£80

Cadet Under 18                          £60*/£80

Cadet Under 16                          £30/ £35

Associate                                    £20/£20 

*New members joining as Rowing, Social Rowing or under 18 cadets will pay an additional £5 joining fee which will give them 3 months membership of British Rowing – which includes insurance cover and copies of Rowing and Regatta magazine. Continuation of British Rowing after the three months is optional but all active members are encouraged to take out British Rowing Membership if only for the insurance cover – and it is compulsory to race on the river, or if you want to store a scull in one of the Club boathouses and boat from them.  

Note: For new members, who have joined since October, 2017 the membership already paid covers the current subscription year. Your next subscription will be due, subject to approval at the 2018 AGM on 1st January, 2019.

Subscriptions should be paid as soon as possible – over the bar at the Clubhouse or sent to the membership Secretary, Steph Hickman at 145 Great Preston Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight. PO33 1AZ. Telephone number 01983 613077. E Mail: steph.hickman1944@gmail.com  Cheques should be made payable to "Ryde Rowing Club". You can also pay by electronic bank transfer - please transfer the appropriate subscription to Account Number - 03707210. Sort Code: 20-60-55 and put RRC Membership in the reference field - and it would also be helpful if you could E Mail Steph Hickman if you choose to pay this way - advising her that you have done so. Standing order forms are also available on request and are available at the Clubhouse. 

Early payment helps the Club and saves you money – and saves us having to chase-you up! Please help the Club and yourself and pay promptly.

Special "Subs Pay Fridays" will be held on the 12th and the 19th - which is also the  Bingo Night - with further dates in February - when a Club Officer will be available at the Clubhouse from 8.00pm to around 9.30pm to take your subscriptions - and the Clubs performance kit will be available to view - and order (saving you the postage) - or to purchase from the stock we have available. So why not come along on one of these Fridays - pay your sub - view the kit and have a drink and a game of Bingo - with a free RRC Car Sticker for everyone who turns up. The opportunity to pay your subscription by Credit Card will also be available on these evenings.

Sent on behalf of Dave Redstone. RRC Treasurer


Press Release. Ryde R. C. Awards Presentation Evening. Friday, Dinner. 22nd December, 2017.

Press Release. Ryde R. C. Awards Presentation Evening. Friday, Dinner. 22nd December, 2017.

Wightlink sponsored Ryde Rowing Club celebrated another successful season at an Awards Presentation at their Clubhouse on the Friday before Christmas (Friday, 22nd December, 2017).  

The newly elected Club Captain Graham Reeve welcomed around fifty members and guests and thanked them for attending and for their support of the Club over the last year with a special thanks to the Clubs main sponsors Wightlink and the main sponsor of the Regatta - TLM Laser.  

Following a presentation on the Clubs achievements in 2017 which included the Clubs Coastal Ladies Junior Fours squad winning the Hants & Dorset ARA Championships before being selected to represent the H&D ARA at the South Coast Rowing Championships where they became South Coast Champions. The Clubs share in the Ladies Novice Sculls Hants & Dorset ARA Championships was also recorded as well as Ben Sandersons victory in the J16 Coastal Single Sculls event at the South Coast Championships Regatta.

The Club's Rowing Captain Mick Jenner then presented the Clubs Annual Awards. The Coxswain's Cup was awarded to Dan Sanderson, in his first year as a competitive coxswain for the Club; the First Year Oarsman Trophy went to his older brother Ben; First Years Ladies was awarded to Freya Drage; Dale Buckett received the Oarsman of the year award - for his four wins in the Coastal Junior Sculls event during the season which earned him the runners-up slot for this Hants & Dorset ARA Championship and Courtney Edmonds received the Ladies award for her part in the Junior Ladies Squad and her two wins in the Novice Ladies Sculls. The Coaches Cup was awarded to Steve Cook - who has taken up an active role in the Club once again. The Committee Cup was awarded to Martin Drage for his support of the Club coaches and the Captains Cup awarded to Tye Cameron for the commitment he has shown. Finally the traditional "First Hants & Dorset ARA win" Club spoons were awarded to Courtney Edmonds and Emily Page with a special "spoon" awarded to retiring Captain and newly elected President of the Club - Pete Allsopp - who "raced" for the Club in the Wightlink Dragon Boat Team.

A Happy Christmas to all our Members & Friends from Ryde R. C

On behalf of the Executive Officers and Committee of Ryde Rowing Club can we wish all our members and friends a very happy Christmas and a prosperous and successful 2018. 

I hope we some of you at the Club this evening for the Christmas draw. The Club will be open from 8.00pm - and there will be a free cocktail for those attending.


Reminder - RRC Christmas Draw. Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse.

Reminder - RRC Christmas Draw. Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse.

Reminder The Ryde R. C. Christmas Draw takes place at the Clubhouse - on Christmas Eve. 

The Club will be open from 8.00pm until around 12 midnight with the draw taking place at around 9.00pm.

Tickets from the draw can be purchased now from the bar at the clubhouse - just 20 pence a square/£2 a row - and will, of course, be available on the night. There will be the usual range of festive prizes.

So come along - bring your family and friends - and enjoy the Club priced drinks, some light refreshments - and the good atmosphere - and a FREE COCKTAIL!

We hope to see you there.

You don't have to be there to win - although it would be nice if you are - but we will tell you if you have won a price.

If you are unable to get down to the Club but would like some draw tickets you can "buy them" up to Saturday, 23rd December - by transferring the money for the required amount to - Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16.  Please put "XmasDraw" in the reference field and advise by E Mail to stephencbull@gmail.com

Reminder - Ryde Rowing Club Presentation Evening. This Friday, 22nd December. 8.00pm at the Clubhouse.

Reminder - Ryde Rowing Club Presentation Evening. 8.00am Friday, 22nd December at the Clubhouse

Further to our earlier E Mail can I remind you that the Clubhouse based Presentation Evening - to celebrate the 2017 season - will be taking place this Friday - 22nd December starting at 8.00pm and going on until around midnight. 

This will be a "free" event to members and a buffet  will be provided - although obviously it will be a paid bar. 

There will be a Presentation on the 2017 season & photo montage, the presentation of the Club Awards and a Raffle for the club charity & Boat Fund and the opportunity to take crew and club photos with the Trophies.

While the awards presentation is primarily aimed at the Rowers and we hope to see as many of those who competed for the Club this season as possible come along - with coaches, parents and supporters - and all members of the club are very welcome - and we hope as many of you as possible do come along to help us celebrate a pretty successful season. 

Please try and come along.

Ryde Rowing Club Annual Regatta - Event Sponsorship. SATURDAY, 2nd JUNE, 2018.

Ryde Rowing Club Annual Regatta - Event Sponsorship.

SATURDAY, 2nd JUNE, 2018. 

Members will appreciate that in these difficult financial times funding Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual Regatta - which costs around £4,000 to stage - of which only around £1,000 comes from entry fees and program sales - is quite a challenge. Over the years we have been very fortunate to receive the support of members who have local businesses or connections with local businesses - who have agreed to sponsor an event at the regatta in exchange for an advert in the program, publicity over the PA system during the Regatta and visual displays in the Clubhouse.

I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Club, to thank those who have supported us in the past and who continue to do so - some have already committed to support the 2018 event - but also I would like to ask if there are any other members who may be in a position to support the Regatta - or know someone or a business that might be be prepared to do so. Shown below are details of the opportunities for event sponsorship at the 2018 Club Regatta - which takes place on Saturday, 2nd June - d if you/they need a more formal approach - let me have a name and address and I will send this to them. There are two Regatta sponsorship opportunities shown below - "Event Sponsorship" and "Small Ads".

Ryde Rowing Club Annual Regatta - Sponsorship.

SATURDAY 2nd JUNE, 2018.

Event Sponsorship.

Since 1972 the two main Isle of Wight Rowing Clubs, Ryde and Shanklin have hosted Hants. & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association Championship Regattas. These two events, staged over a weekend between mid May and mid June each year, bring around fifteen visiting mainland Rowing Clubs from all along the Southcoast and occasionally inland - some 800 competitors and supporters - to the Island. As this is a weekend event most of our visitors stay over for the full weekend bringing a useful boost to early season trade for many Island businesses and the events provide a free sporting spectacle for Islanders and Visitors alike and generates useful publicity for the Island.

The success of the two events has on three occasions led to the Island being awarded the prestigious Southcoast Rowing Championships Regatta which the Ryde and Shanklin Clubs have organised jointly on behalf of the Hants. & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association. The Island Regatta weekend is one of  the most popular in the South of England - regularly attracting over one hundred entries to each event - and with the growth in the sport this popularity is expected to continue to grow.

Coastal rowing remains one of the few truly amateur sports still in operation with no payments or expenses paid to competitors, officials or coaches and no cash prizes awarded.

As I am sure you will appreciate the cost of running the Regatta increases each year putting an ever increasing financial strain on the organisers. In spite of this the Ryde Club is proud of its record of running one of the most successful and best organised Regattas in the Hants. & Dorset area.

The income generated by the regatta is limited as the entry fees are fixed by the governing body and it is not possible to charge a fee to spectators as you can with many sports. Since 1980 we have been able to offset some of the costs thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.

Once again it is our intention to sell advertising space in our Regatta programme to local businesses who are known for their support of local Clubs and who hopefully gain from the competitors and spectators who will be visiting the Island. In addition to the advertising space we will link advertisers to an event or cost of the Regatta and give them additional publicity over the P.A. system during the Regatta. We will also be prepared to display any publicity material made available at the Clubhouse and to circulate additional advertising material when the programmes are distributed.

The programme cover and any inside pages on which the adverts are displayed are, in the majority of cases, professionally printed.

It is our hope that sponsors will be willing to contribute around £50 for a quarter page advert and £100 for a half page. While we appreciate that this is probably not commercially viable we hope that the knowledge that you would be supporting a local Club and event will persuade you to take a place in our Programme. 

Ryde R. C. Regatta - Small Ads.            

Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual Regatta - part of the Hants & Dorset ARA Championship Regatta Programme - in addition to the main event sponsorship, is giving an opportunity to members and friends of the Cub , who have their own businesses to take out a “Small Ad” in the Regatta programme.

Around 800 attend the Regatta to compete and watch - including many local residents and many of the Club Members.

These adverts will be in a simple format (no pictures or complex fonts and limited graphics - see examples from last year’s programme below) - they will have a maximum of around twenty words and will be about 2” x 1” in size and located in the inside pages of the programme. In addition an advertiser will receive some publicity over the Regatta PA system during the Regatta - and have a mention on the Regatta’s interactive display in the Clubhouse and enlarged versions of their advert on display in the Clubhouse In exchange we are hoping that advertisers would be prepared to contribute £25 to the Regatta Funds.

With our thanks for your consideration.

Regards - and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Steve Bull.

Regatta Secretary.
Ryde Rowing Club (H&D ARA) Championship Regatta.

Regatta Web Site:  http://ryderc.org/regatta/

2018 Regatta. Saturday, 2nd June, 2018.
Sponsored by - TLM Laser. 

Supported by the Ryde Town Council.


10 Brookfield Gardens,
Binstead, Ryde,
Isle of Wight.
PO33 3NP.
Telephone: 01983 566481
Mobile: 07786 034941