In accordance with Rule 11 the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of RYDE ROWING CLUB will take place at the Clubhouse, Appley Park, Ryde, on FRIDAY, 18th OCTOBER, 2019 at 8.00pm.
1) To read the notice convening the Meeting.
2) Apologies for absence.
3) Minutes of the last meeting.
4) To receive the Hon. Secretaries Report on the year ending 31st September 2019.
5) To receive the Hon. Financial Secretaries Report and to review and adopt the Account for the year ending 31st December 2018. (Rule 11) [See attached – if available - provisional accounts – fully audited and detailed accounts will be available at the meeting].
6) To elect Honorary Members. (Rule 4F)
7) To elect Officers for the ensuing year (Rule 13):-
i) President.
ii) Vice Presidents
iii) Captain
iv) Vice/Rowing Captain.
v) Hon. Financial Secretary.
vi) Hon. Secretary.
vii) Hon. Assistant Secretary.
viii) Reporting Accountants (Hon. Auditors).
8) To elect Members of the General Committee (Rule 14)
9) To elect Members of the Bar Committee (Rule 14b):-
i) Chairperson.
ii) Manager.
iii) Assistant Manager.
iv) Secretary.
v) Committee Member.
10) To agree the following rule changes – see attached.
11) To consider any other business sanctioned by the Committee or submitted in accordance with Rule 11D.
Ref. Items 7, 8, 9 and 10. Proposals/Nominations for Hon. Members, Officers, Committee Members and Bar Committee can be added to the notice on the Committee Noticeboard in the downstairs hall of the Clubhouse or sent be E Mail to the Club Secretary – Darrel Reeve at – grdre@tiscali.co.uk
Yours sincerely,
Darrell Reeve.
Hon. Secretary.
Ryde Rowing Club. Member ship Rules. PROPOSED CHANGES.
4. a. Regular ( or Rowing ) - Men & Women of the age of 18 years and upwards, who shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club, to speak and vote at its General meetings.
b. Social Rowing (formerly non-boating) - Men and Women of the age of 18 years and upwards, who shall be entitled to all the privileges of the club, to speak and vote at its General meetings. They shall be entitled to use the Club boats, equipment and training facilities. See rule 7 ref. participation in races.
c. Non IW Rowers Country Members - Men & Women of the age of 18 years and upwards, who do not normally reside in the Isle of Wight, and who shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club, to speak and vote at its General meetings.
d. Full Time Education Cadet Members - Boys & Girls under 18 years of age in full time education. They shall not be entitled to take part in the business proceedings of the club.
e. Honorary Life Members - Only persons who at the sole discretion of the Club in Annual General Meeting of the Club assembled, who have rendered conspicuously valuable service to the Club shall be nominated as Honorary Life Members. They shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club. The number of such members shall not at any time exceed six.
f. Honorary Members - Persons whom the Club in Annual General Meeting assembled consider it would be in the interest of the Club to have as members. They shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club. The number of such members shall not at any one time exceed twelve.
g. Bona fide members of visiting Clubs taking part in competition with the club shall be admitted and entitled to all the privileges of the Club during their visit. (Licensing Act 1964, section 49 applies).
h. Associate Members - Men and Women of 18 years and upwards who shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club except the use of the Club boats, bathing, changing and training facilities. They shall be entitled to sign in visitors and to speak and vote at its General meetings. They shall be entitled to hold office and become a committee member.
i. Temporary Members - Temporary Members shall during their term or membership be entitled to all the privileges of the Club except the use of Club boats, changing and training facilities. They shall be entitled to speak and vote at its General meetings, but shall not be entitled to sign in visitors. They should be proposed by a member of the Club and may be granted membership by the Captain or Secretary. There must be a delay of at least two clear days between application and admission as a member.
5. All candidates for membership, except for Temporary Members in rule 4(i) above, shall complete a membership application form and the form shall contain a declaration by the candidate that if elected he/she will observe the Rules of the club for the time being in force. The application form for a Full Time Education Cadet member under 16 must be signed by a parent or guardian and contain a declaration regarding the ability of said cadet to swim. A notice of application shall be placed on the Club notice board and after expiration of at least seven days the applicants name shall be submitted to the committee, who shall be empowered to elect the candidate after taking in to account any objections that may have been received by the secretary. Favourable votes from the majority of the committee present are necessary to elect a candidate. No candidate shall present himself for re — election for six months and if twice rejected shall not be presented again. The committee may meet on Sundays in the season for the purpose of electing new members only.
Each applicant shall pay the appropriate subscription upon application for membership. Should the application be refused the subscription will refunded in full. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
7. The annual subscription shall be as follows:
£ £ £
Category of Membership Full rate Rate if paid by 6 Monthly
March February 1st and payments
New members. (Jan to June).
Regular (Rowing or Full) £180 £120 £20
Social Rowing £108 £72 £12
Country Non IW Rowers £90 £60 £10
(Non-resident on the IW including University Students).
Cadet under 18 80 60*
Cadet under 16 35 30
Full Time Education £63 £42 £7
Associate £30 £20
Non-Rowing Cadet £7 £7
Temporary £10
(Per Event entered/Social event, up to Full fee, plus agreed Racing and transport fees)
*Rowing, Social Rowing, Country and Cadet 18 have an additional joining fee of £5 - which covers 3 months BR Membership, unless already BR Members.
In addition the committee has authorized the following concessions, granted at their discretion, which will continue –
Active Adaptive – only using Land based training equipment and facilities on a Friday evening - £25. (£25)
Occasional racing – aimed at members not resident on the Island and who visit the Island only occasionally – and rarely use the Clubs facilities or equipment but may race for the Club on a few occasions a year - £25 – (£25) plus agreed Racing & Transport Fees
8a. No candidate who has been elected a member shall be entitled to the privileges of membership until payment of his/her entrance fee (if any) and first year subscription has been made. If such entrance fee and subscription have not been paid within one month of notice of election being sent to the candidate the committee may declare such election void. Any member elected after 31st October shall pay the full entrance fee (if any) and a proportionally reduced subscription decided by the financial secretary. Subsequent subscriptions shall be paid in advance on the 1st January in each year. Subject to the above, any member whose subscription is in arrears 3 1 month shall be notified by the Honorary secretary and if the amount due is not paid within one month, the Honorary Secretary has the power to publish his/her name as a defaulter and the committee shall have the power to suspend him/her and remove their name from the list of members, subject to their right to reinstate him/her if satisfied as to the cause of the default and payment of arrears.
Changes in RED or Italics.