Opening of RRC Clubhouse Bar on Friday's.

According to the Government and British Rowing Covid-19 Guidelines we are able to reopen the Bar after the 19th JUlLY.

So it is our intention to open the Bar to members again on most Friday's (call to confirm) from FRIDAY, 6th AUGUST, 2021.

The Covid-19 Bar Opening Restrictions we have to have inforce are listed below -

Before entering the Lounge please use the Hand Sanitizer provided.

Please record your name & address on the forms provided for NHS Track & Trace purposes.

We will impose the following conditions -

1) Restricted to members & their guests only.

2) Ideally those attending should advise us in advance -  TEL: IW 566481 or Mobile o7785 034941 OR EMAIL :   - so we can list those in attendance and comply with "Track & Trace" procedures.

3) The Bar will be open from 7.30pm to 10.45pm – and must be closed by 11.00pm

4) Hand sanitisers to be used on entry to the lounge.

5) Forehead Thermometer to be used before entry into the Clublounge and anyone who shows a temperature of 37.5 degrees C or above - must not enter the Club Lounge and must immediately leave the Clubhouse until your temperature reads under 37.5 degrees C.

6) Preferably payment by Credit card or smart phone.

7) Alcohol only to be served in bottles or cans.

8) Attending members are advised to wear masks until they are seated and if they leave their table.

9) Attending members should scan the QR code with their NHS COVID-19 App if they have this on their mobile device on entry to the Clubhouse.

No one who feels ill or has Covid-19 symptoms should attempt to enter the Clubhouse and those invited/attending must advise  me - by Email - - or Text - 07786034941 - if they intend to come down.

We have completed a partial and limited re-stocking of the Bar. Some items may not be available.

With the ongoing Southern Water activity in Appley Park there is restricted access to the Club and car parking. Access to the Clubhouse is via a newly installed ramp. You enter the ramp near the Cafe - it splits into three - one route going to the Cafe, one to our Clubhouse and one continues up Appley Lane. Car Parking is restricted - you can either park along the front by the Canoe Lake and walk to the Clubhouse or - at your risk - drive past the road closure sign - where you can access the five bays in Appley Lane or continue into the Car park which states it is closed but in fact is open although space is limited. Presumably you won't have to pay as it is officially "closed". You will have to drive up and down the “wrong way” – the road furthest from the Clubhouse - of Appley