Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser – for Club Funds - BINGO NIGHT. Friday - 18th January.

Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser – for Club Funds - BINGO NIGHT.

Friday - 18th January.

  • Friday, JANUARY 18th, 2018. 8:00pm

  • Ryde Rowing Club Appley Lane. Ryde, England, PO33 1ND.  

Ryde Rowing Club Fund Raiser – Pete & Josie's famous "BINGO NIGHT" 
Main Lounge, Clubhouse. Bring along your family & friends.


Ryde Rowing Club Annual Subscriptions are now due.

Ryde Rowing Club Annual Subscriptions are now due.

The Clubs Annual Membership Subscription's are now due – with the discounted rate available until 1st March. 

We are pleased to be able to say that there has been no increase in our rates of subscription this year - it should be noted that, on average, if paid at the reduced rate – our rates of subscription remain the same or less than any other Island Rowing Club – and membership fees – at all levels – at mainland clubs are significantly higher. The Associate membership – at just £20 – where the only restrictions are on the use of the Clubs boats and training equipment are an ideal level of membership for parents wanting to support their sons and daughters who row. 

The rates of subscription for 2019 are as follows –

Membership type               Payable before 1st March, 2019/Payable after 1st March, 2019.

Rowing                                        £100*/£140

Social Rowing                             £60*/£80

Country (non IW res. inc Uni)     £60*/£80

Cadet Under 18                          £60*/£80

Cadet Under 16                          £30/ £35

Associate                                    £20/£20 

*New members joining as Rowing, Social Rowing or under 18 cadets will pay an additional £5 joining fee which will give them 3 months membership of British Rowing – which includes insurance cover and copies of Rowing and Regatta magazine. Continuation of British Rowing after the three months is optional but all active members are encouraged to take out British Rowing Membership if only for the insurance cover – and it is compulsory to race on the river, or if you want to store a scull in one of the Club boathouses and boat from them.  

Note: For new members, who have joined since October, 2018 the membership already paid covers the current subscription year. Your next subscription will be due, subject to approval at the 2019 AGM on 1st January, 2020.
Subscriptions should be paid as soon as possible – over the bar at the Clubhouse or sent to the membership Secretary, Steph Hickman at 145 Great Preston Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight. PO33 1AZ. Telephone number 
01983 613077. E Mail: steph.hickman1944@gmail.com  Cheques should be made payable to "Ryde Rowing Club". You can also pay by electronic bank transfer - please transfer the appropriate subscription to Account Number - 03707210. Sort Code: 20-60-55 and put RRC Membership in the reference field - and it would also be helpful if you could E Mail Steph Hickman if you choose to pay this way - advising her that you have done so. Standing order forms are also available on request and are available at the Clubhouse. You can pay by monthly standing order of £10 for a full Rowing member - £6 for a Cadet18/Social Rowing/Country member - but the standing order MUST be set-up and the first payment made in January using the Sort Code and Account Number indicated above - and again please advise Steph once set-up.

Early payment helps the Club and saves you money – and saves us having to chase-you upPlease help the Club and yourself and pay promptly.

Special "Subs Pay Fridays" will be held on the 4th and the 11th January and on the 18th - which is also the  Bingo Night - with further dates in February - when a Club Officer will be available at the Clubhouse from 8.00pm to around 9.30pm to take your subscriptions - and the Clubs performance kit will be available to view - and order (saving you the postage) - or to purchase from the stock we have available. So why not come along on one of these Fridays - pay your sub - view the kit and have a drink and on the 18th a game of Bingo. The opportunity to pay your subscription by Credit Card will also probably be available on these evenings. 

Sent on behalf of Dave Redstone. RRC Treasurer by -

Steve Bull. For RRC Main committee.


A Happy Christmas to all our Members & Friends. Dont forget "Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse"

On behalf of the Officers and Committee at Ryde Rowing Club can I wish all our members and friends a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Dont forget the Clubhouse is open this evening for the Christmas Draw - from around 8.00pm. All members, families and friends are very welcome.

The Ryde Rowing Club 2018 Christmas Cocktail is – “The Bronx Cocktail.” The Cocktail will be available at the Christmas Draw on - Christmas Eve at the RRC Clubhouse from around 8.30pm – with the first one free to all those in attendance of an appropriate age – with a charge for subsequent cocktails.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For the Ryde R. C. General Committee.

Steve Bull.

Committee Member & Trustee.

Ryde Rowing Club. Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse. The Christmas Draw.

Hi all.

Christmas Eve is approaching fast!

Just to remind you that know that the Club will be open as usual on Christmas Eve for the Clubs Christmas Draw. The Club will be open from 8.00pm until around 12 midnight with the draw taking place at around 9.00pm.

Tickets from the draw can be purchased now from the bar at the clubhouse - just 20 pence a square/£2 a row - and will, of course, be available on the night. There will be the usual range of festive prizes.

So come along - bring your family and friends - and enjoy the Club priced drinks, some light refreshments - and the good atmosphere!

We hope to see you there.

You don't have to be there to win - although it would be nice if you are - but we will tell you if you have won a price.

If you are unable to get down to the Club but would like some draw tickets you can "buy them" by transferring the money for the required amount to -

Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16. 

Please put "XmasDraw" in the reference field and advise by E Mail to stephencbull@gmail.com - by the 23rd December.

We can also now announce that -

The Ryde Rowing Club 2018 Christmas

Draw Christmas Cocktail is – “The Bronx Cocktail.”

The Bronx cocktail is a simple variation of a perfect martini that adds orange juice to the mix. ... The story of how the Bronx was created has been questioned many times over the years. It's generally accepted that Johnnie Solon created it at the Waldorf Astoria sometime shortly after 1900.

The Cocktail will be available at the Christmas Draw on - Christmas Eve at the RRC Clubhouse from around 8.30pm – with the first one free to all those in attendance of an appropriate age – with a charge for subsequent cocktails.

We look forward to seeing you there.

For the Ryde R. C. General Committee.

Steve Bull.

Committee Member & Trustee.

An update on Grace Bolland.

Many of you will remember Grace Bolland - who is one of our Junior Members - and raced for the Club this season until her family left the Island to live near Bath. Grace was showing great promise as a Junior Rower - and we are very please to report that she has continued with her local club.

Her mother Ruth recently gave us an update on how she is getting on - in particular at the recent British Indoor Rowing Championships. Ruth report “The venue was immense, even warming up was in front of the crowd. Effectively being there on her own, all the TV cameras for the live streaming, big crowds, rowing against all these big London based private schools and rowing clubs that have obviously done very focused training, was very daunting. 
If she had managed to match her PB she would have made it in to the top 20, but 
on the day was 41st out of about 94. She was really gutted.For the 500m she did get a PB, 1.49.9 mins, 9 seconds behind the winning time put her in 23rd I believe, which she was really pleased with. She’s never raced it before and only started training for it a few weeks ago, entered it for fun really. I think the whole experience, seeing the GB rowers, para-athletes etc has really given her drive for next year, and she knows what to expect so should feel more confident. Amazing venue though! but a very long day, out of the house 6am to 10pm. >Hopefully next year she’ll have some company, having inspired others to give it a try.” 

Grace dis win a Silver medal at the Welsh Indoor Rowing Competition.

We will follow her progress with interest and wish her well.

Grace is on the Island over Christmas - and hopes to get in an outing back in Ryde colours

RRC 150 Club Talks and Fish & Chip Suppers.

Last Thursday saw the final Ryde R. C. 150 Club Fish & Chip Supper and Talk of the year take place at their Appley Park Clubhouse. During the ten month season members & friends “visited the Antarctic”, “flew in the Hampshire and IW Air Ambulance”, “fired Rockets from the Needles”, “distilled IW Gin”, ”wandered round the Somerton Works at Cowes”, “met dashing cavalier Robert Holmes and English adventuress Sophie Dawes and other IW Hidden Heroes”, ”sailed with the Marblehead’s” and faced challenge and adventure with the disadvantaged.

The talks raised around £500 for local and National charities including Cancer research, the Air Ambulance and Challenge and Adventure on the IW and contributed to the running of the Rowing Club. So a big thank-you to everyone who supported these events and to all our guest speakers.

The 150 Club Talks and Fish and Chip Suppers will start again in February and we already have planned talks on Charles 1st – from Carisbrooke to the chopping block, Three Fighters from Three Wars, Island hopping, diving and the Komodo dragons, Pig Leg Lane and ships, dents and a duel in Cowes.

We look forward to seeing you all again in February - and hopefully some of you on Christmas Eve at the Clubhouse and have a good Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Pete, Steph, Steve & Josie.

Ryde Rowing Club.

Ryde Rowing Club Annual General Meeting. 22/11/18. Secretary’s Report 2018

Ryde Rowing Club Annual General Meeting Thursday 22 November 2018

Secretary’s Report 2018

On behalf of Ryde Rowing Club I extend a warm welcome to you all & thank you for attending this evening.

This is will be my 10th successive report & sadly my last as this year I intend to stand-down as Secretary.  In doing so I should like to thank Committee members both past & present for their invaluable support.

I begin by extending your thanks to all the members of the current committee who work so hard on your behalf, often taking on additional duties for the benefit of the Club.

Special thanks to Dave Redstone for his unstinting efforts in balancing the books & keeping such a tight hold on our finances.

Thanks as always go to Steph, Josie, members of the bar committee and all those who volunteer to staff the bar, the revenue from which goes a long way to maintaining the fabric of the club.  In addition a special thanks to Josie for her organisation of the now infamous Catering Crew.  Money raised at the regatta from refreshments has enabled the Club to this year purchase a new bottle fridge for the bar, provided the initial purchase of Club kit for stock purposes, enabled the Club to contribute to the Hants & Dorset plan for a defibrillator to be available at all regattas and I don’t think I’m speaking out of turn in saying that the Club is about to purchase a much needed new Stair Lift at a cost of nearly £2000. None of which would have be possible without the income from catering ... thank you Josie

 A very successful & enjoyable awards evening was once more held at the Club and again thanks are extended to Chris Groves for all her time & effort in the organisation.

Now for our achievements on the water

2018 will again be recorded, perhaps surprisingly, as a very successful year for Ryde Rowing Club. With sadly an absence of senior crews there has still been several notable performances & our young rowers have represented the club in an exemplary manner.

I extend my congratulations to all the crews & their coaches who have competed this season.  The club was represented in seventeen events, thirteen of which were on the mainland, with two cancelled due to adverse weather, plus an indoor competition. This included the South Coast Rowing Championships in Deal, Kent and the GB Junior Inter Regional Championships at the National Watersports Centre in Nottingham. 

We had wins in pre-season Head Races & Hants & Dorset Regatta’s in – Men’s Novice Fours, Men’s Novice Sculls & J16 Fours.

The Club also maintained its strong record of regional representation with six members of the junior squad selected to represent the Wessex Region and compete in the National Junior Inter-Regional Regatta at the National Water Sports Centre, Nottingham.

Club member Sharon Ayles represented England at the inaugural Commonwealth Beach Sprint Championships coxing the Mixed FISA Coxed Quad.

The Club was also pleased to support Shanklin’s Daisy Faithful in her successful bid to make the GB Junior Squad with the loan of a double, the Club’s Folly Facilities and coaching support during her preparation for her gold medal winning performance

Once again a very successful Ryde Regatta was held both on and off the water with 94 crews & scullers. taking to the water   My thanks as always  goes to Steve & his team for organising such a very successful event,  to all the catering crew, the many volunteers & especial thanks to the sponsors for helping to make this one of the best regattas on the South Coast

 The Club has a growing Junior section & thanks must be extended to Graham & Darrell for giving so much of their time & patient encouragement to this enthusiastic & lively group.

 Our small but enthusiastic, adaptive section continue to enjoy the Club facilities on Friday evenings and they & their families remain strong supporters the Club; enjoying many social events.

 The club maintains strong links with Ryde Harriers who share the clubhouse premises & facilities for their weekly training sessions and as a base for several championship races. The Committee is still reviewing how this link may be strengthened.

 In closing I once again extend sincere thanks to all our sponsors for their invaluable support.  More especially to Andy Tomms & TLM Laser for their generous sponsorship of the regatta and to Wightlink whose support is so vital in maintaining the Club’s ability to continue to compete so successfully on the mainland. 

Over & Out J

Carole Hewison

Hon Secretary

November 2018 

Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual General Meeting. Thursday, 22nd November.

Ryde Rowing Clubs Annual General Meeting. Thursday, 22nd November.

Ryde Rowing Club held a well-attended Annual General Meeting at their Clubhouse in Appley Park on Thursday (22nd November 2018).

Carol Hewision, the retiring Club Secretary, who was thanked for her ten years of service, was able to report on a fairly successful season and the Clubs Financial Secretary, Dave Redstone was able to report that the Club was in a reasonable financial position with the accounts adopted.

The Club President – Peter Allsopp was then re-elected as was the Club Captain Graham Reeve and the Financial Secretary Dave Redstone. The Clubs Assistant Secretary Daryl Reeve stepped-up to take on the role of Club Secretary and Chris Groves was elected Assistant Secretary. Joel Smith was elected the Vice/Rowing Captain with Micky Jenner, who had performed this role for many years stepping down although he would continue in a coaching role and mentor Joel as he took on the challenges of his new role in the Club. Angela Evans was reappointed as Reporting Accountant and Matt Smith, Carol Hewision and Josie Bull joined the Clubs general committee along existing committee members Steve Bull, Steph Hickman, Steve Dear, Jo Smith and Janice Allsopp who were re-elected. The Bar Committee of Graham Reeve, Chairman; Steph Hickman, Manager; Josie Bull, Assistant Manager; Steve Bull, Secretary were all re-elected and joined by Chris Groves as a committee member.

There were no changes to the Clubs Rules or Rates of Subscription and further appointments would be announced after the first meeting of the new committee.

The Tenth and Final FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK of the season takes place on - Thursday, November 29th at 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.


The Tenth and Final FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK of the season takes place on -

Thursday, November 29th at 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.

The talk is by - Karen Eeles – on - Challenge and Adventure – helping disadvantaged and challenging 12 – 19 year olds on the IOW. 


All Club & 150 Club Members plus family and friends welcome.


TEL: IW 613077 OR EMAIL : steph.hickman1944@gmail.com  

This is the last Fish & Chips Supper and talks of the 2018 Season and after this there will be a a break over the Christmas and New Year period. Fish & Chip Suppers and talks will resume in February, 2019 – usually on the last Thursday of the month - until November 2019.

But coming up is –

Annual Ryde Rowing 100+ Club Christmas Draw and buffet, being held at the club on Saturday 8th December at 7.30pm.     

- and can I remind you all that the Clubhouse will be open on Christmas Eve for the Clubs Christmas Draw. The Club will be open from 8.00pm until around 12 midnight with the draw taking place at around 9.00pm.

Tickets from the draw can be purchased now from the bar at the clubhouse - just 20 pence a square/£2 a row - and will, of course, be available on the night. There will be the usual range of festive prizes.

So come along - bring your family and friends - and enjoy the Club priced drinks, some light refreshments - and the good atmosphere!

We hope to see you there.

You don't have to be there to win - although it would be nice if you are - but we will tell you if you have won a price.

If you are unable to get down to the Club but would like some draw tickets you can "buy them" by transferring the money for the required amount to - Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16.  Please put "Xmas Draw" in the reference field and advise by E Mail to stephencbull@gmail.com
Also we are now in a position to advise on some of the talks booked for next year - which will begin again in February - 

Thursday 28th February – Kevin Shaw – Charles 1: His Later Days: From Carisbrooke to the Chopping Block

Thursday 28th March – Mike Brooke- ‘Three Fighters from Three Wars’ and what they were like to fly
Thursday 25th April – Stuart Bennett – Flores, Island hopping, diving and a visit to see the Komodo dragons
Thursday 30th May – Dr Ruth Waller – Pig Leg Lane
Thursday 27th June – Margaret Jessup – Debtors All – (Ships, Debts and a Duel in Cowes)
More information to follow.

Dart Totnes Autumn Head. Saturday, 17th November.

Dart Totnes Autumn Head. Saturday, 17th November.

On Saturday (17th November) after a few weeks break from competitive competition following the completion of the Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Association 2018 Season Wightlink sponsored Ryde Rowing Clubs Junior squad have embarked on their winter racing program - travelling west to compete in the Dart Totnes R. C. Autumn Head where they produced some impressive results over the 3k course on the River Dart raced over three divisions.

The best result came from the Boys Coastal Junior Coxed Four of Austin Smith, Tye Cameron, Ben Saunders, Tom Starkey and Cox Dan Sanderson. Racing in the Men’s Senior C section in Division one, they finished in 2nd place behind Bideford Reds. All four rowers raced again in later divisions – Ben and Tom racing as a Men’s Novice Double in the 3rd division, where they achieved another 2nd place behind host Club Dart Totnes. Austin and Tye competed in Men’s Senior C Single Sculls in Division two – Austin finishing in 4th place and Tye in 6th position.

A Boys J15 crew of Harry Jones, Jonah Lewin, Gulliver Roghan and Paddy Kearney with Dan Sanderson coxing once again competed in the Men’s Novice Fours event in the 2nd Division finishing in 3rd place – an excellent performance from this newly formed and inexperienced crew.   

Another young and relatively inexperienced crew of Emily Davies and Poppy Starkey competed in a Girls J15 Double in Division one and performed well to finish in 4th place.

IW Rowing Forum. Isle of Wight Rowing Forum Annual Junior Indoor Rowing Competition. Sunday, 4th November, Shanklin Sandown Rowing Club.

Isle of Wight Rowing Forum Annual Junior Indoor Rowing Competition. Sunday, 4th November, Shanklin Sandown Rowing Club.

Shanklin Sandown Rowing Club hosted the 7th Isle of Wight Rowing Forum Junior Indoor Rowing Competition on Sunday (4th November) at their Shanklin Sea Front Clubhouse.

The annual event is open to any Junior/under 18 members from the three Island Rowing Clubs – Ryde, Shanklin Sandown and Newport – plus Ryde School Boat Club. All four Clubs were represented with a total of twenty junior oarsman and woman taking part.

There were two stages to the event, in line with British Rowing’s guidelines and as used at the National Junior Indoor Rowing competition, at which we hope many of these athletes will compete early next year.

All the Juniors were divided into boys and girls and age groups and competed as individuals over a distance rowed in a fixed time with medals awarded for first, second and third places.  

After completion of the individual competitions a relay was held, over 3000m, in teams of six, drawn from the hat from all four Clubs to round off a great day’s competition.


Year 7 Boys.  Fergus Findlay, Newport.

Year 8 Boys. Conner Garner, Newport.

Year 8. Girls. Kayleigh Batchelor, Shanklin Sandown.

Year 9. Girls. Poppy Starkey, Ryde.

Year 10. Boys. Ethan Walters, Shanklin Sandown.

Year 10. Girls. Rachael Debenham, Shanklin Sandown.

Year 11. Boys. Charlie Walford. Ryde.

Year 11. Girls. Charlotte Tapsell, Shanklin Sandown.

Year 12/13. Boys. Jonjo Findlay, Newport. 

Year 12/13. Girls. Florrie Webb, Ryde School Boat Club.  

In the relay the winning team was - Ollie Colson, Rachael Debenham, Ben Smith, Florrie Webb, Toby Batchelor, Charlie Walford.

2nd was - Ethan Walters, Arlo Adds, Connor Garner, Lottie Tapsell, Toby Lucas, Poppy Starkey.

and 3rd - Kayleigh Batchelor, Beth Walpole-Davies, Theo Phelan, Jonjo Findlay, Laurence Cole, Harry Jones.


RYDE R. C. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. THURSDAY, 22nd NOVEMBER, 2018 at 8.00pm. at the Clubhouse.


In accordance with Rule 11 the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of RYDE ROWING CLUB will take place at the Clubhouse, Appley Park, Ryde, on THURSDAY, 22nd NOVEMBER, 2018 at 8.00pm.


1) To read the notice convening the Meeting.

2) Apologies for absence.

3) Minutes of the last meeting.

4) To receive the Hon. Secretaries Report on the year ending 31st September, 2018.

5) To receive the Hon. Financial Secretaries Report and to review and adopt the Account for the year ending 31st December, 2017. (Rule 11) [provisional accounts will be circulated prior to the meeting by E Mail with  fully audited and detailed accounts available at the meeting].

6) To elect Honorary Members. (Rule 4F)

7) To elect Officers for the ensuing year (Rule 13):-

i) President.

ii) Vice Presidents

iii) Captain

iv) Vice/Rowing Captain.

v) Hon. Financial Secretary.

vi) Hon. Secretary.

vii) Hon. Assistant Secretary.

viii) Reporting Accountants (Hon. Auditors).

8) To elect Members of the General Committee (Rule 14)

9) To elect Members of the Bar Committee (Rule 14b):-

i) Chairperson.

ii) Manager.

iii) Assistant Manager.

iv) Secretary.

v) Committee Member.

10) To consider any other business sanctioned by the Committee or submitted in accordance with Rule 11D.

Ref. Items 7, 8, 9 and 10. Proposals/Nominations for Hon. Members, Officers, Committee Members and Bar Committee can be added to the notice on the Committee Noticeboard in the downstairs hall of the Clubhouse or sent be E Mail to the Club Secretary - Carol Hewison at - 


Yours sincerely,

Carole Hewison,

Hon. Secretary.

The RRC Christmas Draw is now up and running.

Just to let you know that the Club will be open as usual on Christmas Eve - for the Clubs Christmas Draw. The Club will be open from 8.00pm until around 12 midnight with the draw taking place at around 9.00pm.

Tickets from the draw can be purchased now from the bar at the clubhouse - just 20 pence a square/£2 a row - and will, of course, be available on the night. There will be the usual range of festive prizes.

So come along - bring your family and friends - and enjoy the Club priced drinks, some light refreshments - and the good atmosphere!

We hope to see you there.

You don't have to be there to win - although it would be nice if you are - but we will tell you if you have won a price.

If you are unable to get down to the Club but would like some draw tickets you can "buy them" by transferring the money for the required amount to - Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16.  Please put "XmasDraw" in the reference field and advise by E Mail to stephencbull@gmail.com

For the Ryde R. C. General Committee.

Work Day (Morning) at the Clubhouse. Sunday, 4th November.

Your Committee is planning a bit of a work day - or at least a work morning - at the main Clubhouse at Appley this Sunday, 4th November - from around 9.30am - to undertake one or two Clubhouse refurbishment/repair/decoration tasks that we need to get done.

We appreciate that this is short notice - and that some of you will be involved in the IWRF Junior Indoor Rowing event at Shanklin but if any or you are available to lend a hand for a few hours it would be greatly appreciated.

Just come along to the Clubhouse at around 9.30.

With our thanks in anticipation.

RRC Committee.

Hants & Dorset ARA Presentation Dinner. 10/11/18. Novotel, Southampton.

As anticipated - with no H&D Championships won - there has been little interest expressed in the Hants & Dorset ARA Presentation Dinner at the Novotel, Southampton on Saturday, 10th November, 2018 - although the Club will be represented as both Josie and I and Graham and Darrell will be attending. I have to submit menu choices, final numbers and pay by 1st November at the very latest - so this is a final reminder just in case there is anyone else. Contact Steve Bull for details.

Steve Bull. RRC.

Awards Presentation Evening. Saturday, 13th October, 2018.

Awards Presentation Evening. Saturday, 13th October, 2018.

Wightlink sponsored Ryde Rowing Club celebrated another successful season at an Awards Presentation at their Clubhouse on Saturday (13th October 2018).  

The Club President Peter Allsopp welcomed around seventy members and guests and thanked them for attending and for their support of the Club over the last year with a special thanks to the Clubs main sponsors Wightlink and the main sponsor of the Regatta – TLM Laser.

He then welcomed a representative from the Island based charitable organization the Wight Aid Foundation – founder and trustee Geoff Underwood - who presented the Club with a cheque for two thousand five hundred pounds towards an exciting new Coastal Four boat building project. The Ryde Club – and other Clubs – have an urgent need for a new Coastal Four. There is currently very few boat builders making competitive Coastal Fours and the waiting list is more than two years. So the Club – in conjunction with the Isle of Wight boat builders AB Composites – and with the support from Wight Aid – is going to build a new mould for a Coastal Four – which will allow the Club and the other IW Clubs the opportunity to have competitive racing Coastal Fours built on the Island by an Island firm – which will hopefully also attract interest from the mainland clubs. Geoff gave a brief explanation of the Wight Aid Foundation work whose primary purpose is to provide funding to charities, groups and organisations which aim to improve the lives of people who are living on the Isle of Wight

Following a presentation on the Clubs achievements in 2018 the Club Captain, Graham Reeve, supported by the Rowing Captain Micky Jenner, President Pete Allsopp and Wight Aids Geoff Underwood presented the Clubs Annual Awards. The Coxswain's Cup was awarded to Dan Sanderson for the second year in a row; the First Year Oarsman Trophy was awarded to Paddy Kearney; the First Years Ladies Trophy to Grace Bolland; Austin Smith received the Oarsman of the year award and Freya Drage was awarded the Oars lady of the year award. The Coaches Cup was awarded to her father Martin Drage for his support for the Clubs  Junior Coaching Team. The Committee Cup was awarded to Matt Smith – for towing the clubs trailer to most of the mainland events this season and generally supporting the clubs activities and the Captains Cup was awarded to Tom Starkey for the commitment he has shown. Finally the traditional "First Hants & Dorset ARA win" Club spoons – a tradition that goes back more than seventy years were awarded to Austin Smith, Tom Starkey, Tye Cameron and Ben Sanderson. There were also special awards to Maggie Sanderson and Angela Clark for their support of the Club – with the catering team and behind the bar.

Ryde Coxswain Bryony Reeve – who having moved to the mainland – now rows for Southsea was in attendance – and bought over the Poole Regatta Novice Fours Trophy thatSouthsea had won – with Ryde’s Ben Sanderson racing in the composite crew so he could have a photo with the trophy.

The evening concluded with a substantial buffet, a photo montage and films of some of the seasons racing.

See the Ryde Rowing Club Facebook page for photos.

RYDE ROWING CLUB The Ninth FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK on the season takes place on THURSDAY 18th OCTOBER at 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.


The Ninth FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK on the season takes place on 

Thursday, October 18th at 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.

Note: One week earlier than usual due to School Half term.

The talk is by - Malcolm 
-on the Isle of Wight Distillery.

– guiding us through the process of distilling using local ingredients from the Island.


All Club & 150 Club Members plus family and friends welcome.


TEL: IW 613077 OR EMAIL : steph.hickman1944@gmail.com  

Fish & Chips Suppers and talks will continue – usually on the last Thursday of the month - until November - a month longer than last year - due to popular demand then there will be a break over the Christmas and New Year period.
Coming up is –

Thursday 29th November 2018 – Karen Eeles – Challenge and Adventure – helping disadvantaged and challenging 12 – 19 year olds on the IOW.

Also we are now in a position to advise on some of the talks booked for next year - which will begin again in February - 

Thursday 28th February – Kevin Shaw – Charles 1: His Later Days: From Carisbrooke to the Chopping Block

Thursday 28th March – Mike Brooke- ‘Three Fighters from Three Wars’ and what they were like to fly
Thursday 25th April – Stuart Bennett – Flores, Island hopping, diving and a visit to see the Komodo dragons
Thursday 30th May – Dr Ruth Waller – Pig Leg Lane

Thursday 27th June – Margaret Jessup – Debtors All – (Ships, Debts and a Duel in Cowes)
More information to follow.

Itchen Junior Regatta, Saturday, 29th September, 2018.

Wightlink sponsored Ryde Rowing Club took a large squad of fifteen juniors, some making their competitive debuts for the Club, to Itchen Imperial Rowing Clubs Junior Regatta on Saturday (29th September) which is raced over a straight 300m course on the River Itchen in Southampton in a range of boat types and ages for boys, girls and mixed crews.

 The Club produced two winning performance, both from their successful Boys J16 squad where Austin Smith and Tom Starkey won the double sculls event and the J16 coxed for of Tye Cameron, Tom Starkey, Ben Sanderson, Austin Smith and cox Dan Sanderson won the closest race of the day, beating the host club – Itchen - by the smallest of margins - of less than a foot - in what will be their last race in this age group.

 There were several other encouraging performances from this young and relatively inexperienced squad.

 The mixed J12/J13 Coxed Quad of Dan Sanderson, Frankie Leftley, Poppy Starkey, and Bonita Hunnybun – the Clubs youngest crew on the water – with experienced Coxswain Austin Smith steering sculled exceptionally well to finish 2nd in their final.

 A Mixed J14 Coxed Quad of Poppy Starkey, Harry Jones, Frankie Leftley, Emily Davies and cox Dan Sanderson finished 2nd in their final as did a mixed J15 Coxed Quad of Paddy Kearney, Freya Drage, Jonah Lewin, and Gully Roghan coxed by Dan Sanderson once again and a mixed J15 double scull of Freya Drage and Jonah Lewin who were all racing against all boy opposition.

 In the boys J16 Coxed Quad the crew of Paddy Kearney, Jonah Lewin, Freya Drage and Gully Roghan with Dan Sanderson coxing finished second in their heat just missing out on a place in the final.

 Harry Jones also raced in the J14 Single sculls finishing 3rd in his heat and three of the J16 boys competed in their age groups single sculls event – with Austin Smith finishing 3rd in his heat after equipment failure and Tye Cameron and Ben Sanderson finishing 2nd in their respective heats – all three failing to make the final with the same fate befalling Poppy Starkey and Emily Davies in the J14 Girls double sculls and the Boys J14 double scull of Harry Jones and Dan Sanderson.


The Eigth FISH & CHIP SUPPER AND TALK on the season takes place on THURSDAY 27th SEPTEMBER at 7.30PM at the Clubhouse.

The talk is by - Peter Jackson - on Sailing Thorughbreds.  


All Club & 150 Club Members plus family and friends welcome.


TEL: IW 613077 OR EMAIL : steph.hickman1944@gmail.com  

Fish & Chips Suppers and talks will continue – usually on the last Thursday of the month - until November - a month longer than last year - due to popular demand when there will be a break over the Christmas and New Year period.
Coming up is –

Thursday 18th October 2018 - Malcolm – Isle of Wight Distillery – guiding us through the process of distilling using local ingredients from the Island.
Thursday 29th November 2018 – Karen Eeles – Challenge and Adventure – helping disadvantaged and challenging 12 – 19 year olds on the IOW.

We are also well into the planning and booking for next years talks - more news to follow shortly.

2018 South Coast Rowing Championships, Deal. Saturday, 8th September, 2018.

Due to school and other commitments it was a fairly small team from the Wightlink Sponsorsed Ryde Rowing Club who competed at the last Coastal event of the season last weekend (Saturday, 8th September) - the South Coast Rowing Championships held at Deal, Kent and hosted by Deal, Walmer and Kingsdown Rowing Club on behalf of the Coast Amateur Rowing Association.

The Club's Minibus & Trailer travelled to Deal on the Friday and were able to help the other two Island Clubs from Shanklin and Newport by transporting their boat for them. 

The Club's Boys J16 Crew of Tye Cameron, Tom Starkey, Ben Sanderson and Austin Smith with Dan Sanderson coxing first competed in the Bots J16 Coxed Quads and will have been a little disappointed with their 7th place finish in the final against very strong competition.

The raced much better in their second race - competing above their status in the Men's Coastal Junior Senior Invitation event where they finished in 4th place narrowly missing out on a podium position. 

Ex. Ryde Member Bryony Reeve - now living in Portsmouth and competing for Southsea Rowing Club coxed their Club's Men's Coastal Junior Four to victory and another ex Ryde members - Tim Ash - competing for Hastings in the Open Master Fours was pipped on the line in the closest race of the day - finishing in second place. 

Steve Bull. Ryde R. C.