This can also be downloaded in pdf format from the Safety Section of this Web Site - see Rowing Tab.


Recent rises in Covid cases are affecting the club. Members have been unable to attend training and races as they are self-isolating. Other members of their crews are missing out on training and racing opportunities.

Up until now training and racing at the club have not been significantly impacted by the pandemic. The club did not have a policy stating what members should do as a result of a positive test, experiencing Covid symptoms or being in close contact with a Member who has experienced one of the former.

This document outlines the policy the club will follow and offers additional guidance to members.


●        Members are encouraged to take Lateral Flow Tests as regularly as possible and also the day before attending a race.

If a member has one of the following;

●        Positive Lateral Flow Test.

●        Symptoms of Covid 19.

●        Pinged by the NHS Covid 19 App.

The following course of action must be taken;

●        Member reports occurrence to their Captain and the date it occurred.

●        Captains consult to ensure policy is followed correctly.

●        Member should follow government guidance, self-isolate and arrange to have a PCR test.

●        Captains to establish if the member was at the club two days prior to occurrence and identify Close Contacts.

o   Close Contacts will be their crew as well as anyone they were in close contact indoors. Close contact will be defined using government guidelines. See below

●        Captain informs Close Contacts.

o   At this point Close Contacts are under no obligation to self-isolate but they will be asked not to participate in club activities as a precaution.

o   It should be explained to the Contact the reason we are asking them  not to participate. This is to reduce the risk of further cases at the club, reduce further members being asked not to participate and reduce likelihood of other members having to self-isolate.

o   The period they will not be able to participate will initially be until the Member receives the result of their PCR test. The result will determine the next steps.

●        All club members will be advised of a potential positive result at the club and advised to perform regular Lateral Flow Tests for the next 10 days if they have attended the club since the occurrence.

●        Member will not be named in club wide communications. Member will be asked if they are happy to be named when informing Close Contacts.

●        If the Member’s PCR test is negative they can resume club activities along with Close Contacts.

●        If the Member’s PCR test is positive they must follow government guidance and self-isolate.

o   Close Contacts will be informed of the result and advised to book a PCR test. They must not take part in club activities.

o   As a result of the positive PCR test the Member will be contacted by Track and Trace and asked to identify Close Contacts.

o   If a Close Contact previously identified by the club is not contacted by Track and Trace they will be asked not to participate in club activities until 10 days after the initial occurrence was identified at the club. It is the members choice if they want to self isolate completely.

o   If a Close Contact previously identified by the club is contacted by Track and Trace they must follow government regulations for self-isolation.

●        Members receiving a positive PCR test result must follow government regulations for self-isolation.

●        Members can resume club activities when they have completed their period of self-isolation as long as they are no longer experiencing Covid symptoms.

●        If a member is exempt from isolation under the current government guidelines they will be asked not to attend training until the Member they have been in close contact with receives their PCR test result. If it is negative they can return to training.

This policy will be reviewed on August 16th when new government guidance is released.


The government has removed Covid restrictions but club members can continue to take steps to reduce the spread of Covid and limit close contact. This will limit cases and the likelihood of being asked not to participate in club activities.

●        Members should not attend training if they are experiencing any covid symptoms.

Members should consider taking the following measures;

●        Maintain good ventilation when training indoors.

●        Maintain 2m social distancing inside the club.

●        Limiting numbers in changing rooms.

●        Limit use of changing rooms to essential use only.

●        Wear face masks indoors when not actively training.

Further Information

Close Contact


●        face-to-face contact including being coughed on or having a face-to-face conversation within one metre

●        been within one metre for one minute or longer without face-to-face contact

●        been within 2 metres of someone for more than 15 minutes

Lateral Flow Tests


PCR Tests


When to Self-Isolate


British Rowing Covid Guidance
